The Go Challenge for April is now live! As an evaluator, I’ve already solved it. It was fun, and just the right size. Go try it, you’ll have fun!
Today at work, on a Redhat 5.5 machine, I tried to build Go 1.4. This happened: $ cd go1.4/src $ ./all.bash …snip… # runtime/cgo /usr/bin/ld: unrecognized option ‘–build-id=none’ /usr/bin/ld: use the –help option for usage information collect2: ld returned 1…
The last line of Dave Cheny’s Gophercon 2015 India keynote is the best: “Go will make you a better programmer.” It’s true. When I am programming Go, I never think, “OK, is this an OK shortcut to take here? Is…
Today I wanted to compare how fast two builds were on two different machines. As a rough estimate, I just wanted to see how many lines per second were going into the log file. This is what I came up…
I listen to a lot of podcasts. They virtually are all sponsored by either MailChimp or Emma (some new Mailchimp clone). What I want to know is why spammers (even opt-in, targeted email marketing solutions are spammers as far as…
If you are trying to use Golang on a PC-Engines Alix board, you need to be careful that all the Go code you are using is compiled while the GO386 environment variable is set to 387. The Geode processor does…
Recently, I was writing some code to check the SHA256 of a buffer. Simple, right? All you have to do is take the hash you have, get the hash of the data, and compare them. But then you think, “oh,…
There is lots of information out on the net about how to access the camera in the AR.Drone, but it is all for the original model. In the AR.Drone 2, the cameras have been replaced and upgraded. So settings for…
I just made this blog HTTP and HTTPS, thanks to Cloudflare. But that made me realize that lots and lots of internal links in the HTML output of my WordPress point back to the HTTP version of the site. Part…
Cloudflare was already my favorite non-Google internet company because I’m a Golang fan boi and Cloudflare is vocal about their love of Go. So when I heard that Cloudflare was willing to help me, for free, put SSL on my website (which…