From Slashdot: Corporate Data Centers As Ethernet’s Next Frontier Metcalfe’s (apophrycal) Second Law: Never Bet Against Ethernet ‘Nuff said.
Ethan just posted some rules for innovation which are interesting. The one that speaks most to me right now is #7, which states, “problems are not always obvious from afar”. That’s a big problem with the kind of “innovation” that…
The Long Now foundation took a field trip recently. The pictures are cool, as is the irony that they went to a trade show held once every four years. Miners have a time scale closer to the Long Now’s. What does…
Some stuff I discovered playing with Google Chrome: View source works on the various “internal” pages (i.e. the home page, the about:stats page, etc) so you can see how the magic happens Read the comments in the home page to…
Marina and I could have used this useful training film before we arrived in England. It seems the film needs to be updated some to reflect the current state of the privatized English bus system: First, be sure to find…
Here’s a lesson about social policies, politics and economics. In Gaza, tunnels used for smuggling goods have become the major supply line, and an industry in themselves. The market will provide, it will always provide. The question is, how do…
A wonderful open letter from a fellow stockholder to our new investment’s board of directors. If only it were so easy… This is what justice would look like in a society that craved social justice and capitalism in equal parts.
This is a story a bit like mine from Chad, though we were not faced with bandits/rebels/soldiers directly. The feelings of shame and regret she has are related to the complicated feelings I had on leaving Chad as well. In…
Science Friday did an interesting story recently: New research shows that when people perceive they have no control over a given situation, they are more likely to see illusions, patterns where none exist and even believe in conspiracy theories. The…
Yahoo published some best practices on OpenID, but I have one they forgot. Imran and I were talking at OpenCoffee Leeds the other day and we independently and together came up with this realization: OpenID providers should be required to…