My first Spanish essay



I wrote a couple paragraphs as a homework assignment, and I thought it would be fun to post them here, to look back on when I am more fully literate. I have applied all the corrections my teacher made to the essay here. They were mostly small changes, but at least one sentence needed to have it grammar all sorted out by her!

Mi padre en San Andrés y mi abuelo tienen elgo en común. Ambos hombres trabajaron como operator de sierra en una fábrica de madera. En inglés, le llamamos “a sawer”. ¿Le llamamos en español un serrador?

El operador de sierra es la persona más importante en una fábrica de madera porque el elige cómo cortar el árbol.Menos basura resulta de más beneficio y viceversa. También, algunas dimensiónes resultan de más beneficio. Es un dificil juego “el serrador” juega!

Audali trabajó par 5 años como un operador de sierra. No se cuanto tiempo mi abuelo trabajó. Él murió cuando me padre estuvo en la universidad, antes de mi nacimiento.

Here is it, translated to English:

My father in San Andrés and my grandfather have something in common. Both men worked as the operator of the saw in a sawmill. In English, we call this “a sawer”. In Spanish, do we call it a “serrador”?

The operator of the saw is the most important person in the sawmill because he choses how to cut the tree. Less waste results in more profit and vice versa. Also, some dimensions result in more profit. It is a difficult game that the sawer plays.

Audali worked for 5 years as a sawer. I don’t know how many years my grandfather worked. He died when my father was in college, before I was born.


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