In Puebla



It is the weekend, so I’ve decided I don’t have to write in Spanish. Also I am in a bit of a hurry, so here’s what I’ve been up to the last few days.

I spent several relaxing days in Oaxaca. I spent a morning doing museums. I found an artist I think Evi would like. I kept hoping some of his seascapes would have a sailboat instead of big passenger ships, but no luck. I think it was Francisco Guiterrez, but I’m not very good at rememberinbg artist names.

The museum of culture in Oaxaca was really neat. It is in a freshly restored church that was occupied by the Mexican army for many years. It is really beautiful. The pieces show how the native people lived before the conquest, then showed how the indigenous people merged their culture with the Spanish one in order to survive, and in fact thrive. It showed several trades where the natives picked up the skills and technology, then outcompeted the Spanairds themselves, by making better stuff, cheaper.

Conquest reminds me… I was talking about a girl I wanted to date. My teacher told me in Spanish, “Good luck on your conquest!” I thought she was kidding, but they really do use the same word for conquest and for “successfully woo a girl”. I think I need to investigate this phenomena more…

I also went to Monte Alban, which was like all ruins everywhere, essentially hot rocks. But the views were really good, so I was glad I went.

Yesterday I arrived in Puebla, and when I got off the bus I met a Japanese girl that was on my bus too. She and I shared a cab in to the city, and then ended up sharing a room to save money since there were only two-bed rooms in the hotel. We are going out to dinner with a friend of hers who lives here tonight.

Tomorrow I will take a bus in the morning to Mexico City. I think I will meet up with a girl I met in San Cristobal. She’s heading north towards Mexico City too right now. Our flights leave within a day or so, so we are pretty much destined to be travel buddies in Mexico, a city where it is especially helpful to have someone watch your back. Mexico City is probably as dangerous as Guatemala, at least for foreigners, but the problem is there are things to see in Mexico City, so people go there and spend time there. Guatemala City, on the other hand, is on really big, noisy, dangerous bus terminal, at least for travelers.

Oh, one more thing: I saw a railroad museum in Oaxaca, and one here in Puebla too. The one here had more cars, but less interesting artifacts to look at. Both were free, which was nice.


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