Category: Games
There’s a fun virtual hide and go seek game that tests your knowledge of geographic trivia. It’s called GoogleEarthing. I won puzzle #12 by recognizing Tombouctou, Mali. It was the first thing I thought of when I saw the picture. It reminded me of a picture I saw a few years ago in a National…
Karl’s been doing the crossword online at Yahoo for a while now. I worked one at lunch the other day with him, and found it really enjoyable. This was a really easy one, suitable for a newbie like me. When I was a kid I used to watch my grandparents working together on the crossword.…
No Go Game
Alas, the Go Game has been rescheduled to April 5 due to the weather. That’s probably a good idea. We played Amnesia in the rain, and it was really miserable.
Lots of games coming up
Last night I went with the rest of Team Snout to the Dutch Goose to get interviewed for The Goonies Game. It went really well, and the things we prepared for GC went over well too. Clever bribery goes a long way. We happened to answer two of our trivia questions just by the things…