Zero Downtime upgrades of TCP servers in Go



A recent post on the golang-nuts mailing list mentioned that Nginx can upgrade on the fly without ever stopping listening to it’s listen socket. The trick is to unset close-on-exec on the listen socket, then fork/exec a new copy of the server (on the upgraded binary) with an argument to tell it to use the inherited file descriptor instead of calling socket() and listen(s).

I wanted to see if I could achieve the same thing with Go, and what changes would be necessary to the standard libraries to make this possible. I got it working, without changing the standard library, so I wanted to explain what I did here.

The code for this post is here.

There are several interesting things I’d like to point out in this program. Twice, I used the pattern of “implement an interface in order to intercept method calls”. This is an important pattern in Go that I don’t think is widely understood and documented.

When I started thinking about this job I knew one of my problems would be to dig down inside of http.(*Server).Serve in order to get it to stop calling Accept() when the old server should shutdown gracefully. The problem is that there’s no hooks in there; the only way out of the loop (“accept, start go routine to process, do it again”) is for Accept to return an error. But if you think of Accept as a system call, you might think, “I can’t get in there and inject an error”. But Accept() is not a system call: it’s a method in the interface net.Listener. Which means that if you make your own object which satisfies net.Listener, you can pass that in to http.(*Server).Serve and do what you want in Accept().

The first time I read about embedding types in structures I got lost and confused. And when I tried it, I had pointers in the mix and I had lots of unexplained nil pointer errors. This time, I read it again and it made sense. Type embedding is essential when you want to interpose one of the methods of an interface. It lets you inherit all the implementations of the underlying object except for the one that you redefine. Take a look at stoppableListener in upgradable.go. The net.Listener interface requires three methods including Accept, Close, and Addr. But I only defined one of those, Accept(). How is it that stoppableListener still implements net.Listener? Because the other two methods “show through” from where they were embedded in it. Only Accept() has a more precise definition. When I wrote Accept(), then I needed to figure out how to talk to the underlying object, in order to pass on the Accept() call. The trick here is to understand that embedding a type creates a new field in your structure with the unqualified name of the type. So I can refer to the net.Listener inside of stoppableListener sl as sl.Listener, and I can call the underlying Accept() as sl.Listener.Accept().

Next I started wondering how to handle the “stopped” error code from Serve(). Immediately exiting with os.Exit(0) isn’t right, because there can still be go routines servicing HTTP clients. We need some way to know when each client is done. Interposition to the rescue again, since we can wrap up the net.Conn returned by Accept() and use it to decrement a count of the number of currently running connections. This technique of interposing the net.Conn object could have other interesting uses. For example, by trapping the Read() or Write() calls, you could enforce rate limiting on the connection, without needing the protocol implementation to know anything about it. You could even do other zany things like implement opportunistic encryption, again without the protocol knowing it was happening.

Once I knew that I would be able to stop my server gracefully, I needed to figure out how to start the new one on the correct file descriptor. Rog Peppe pointed me to the net.FileListener object, which one can construct from an *os.File (which you can make from a raw file descriptor in an int using os.NewFile).

The final problem is that net always sets the close-on-exec flag on file descriptors for sockets it opens. So I needed to turn that off on the listen socket, so that the file descriptor would still be valid in the new process. Unfortunately syscall.CloseOnExec does not take a boolean to tell it what you want (do close or don’t close). So instead, I pulled out the stuff from syscall that I needed and put it directly in upgradable.go. Not pretty, but nicer than hacking the standard library. (This is a nice thing about Go: there’s almost always a way to do what you want, even if you have to hack around just a bit.)

I tested that it works manually (using command-line GETs from another window). I also tested it under load using http_load. It is really cool to be able to set up a load test for 20 seconds and get 3937 fetches/sec, then do the test again, adding in a few “GET http://localhost:8000/upgrade” from another window and still getting 3880 fetches/sec, even as I replaced the running binary a few times during the load test!


7 responses to “Zero Downtime upgrades of TCP servers in Go”

  1. “The net.Listener interface requires three methods including Listen, Close, and Addr. But I only defined one of those, Accept().”

    Should be

    “The net.Listener interface requires three methods including Accept, Close, and Addr. But I only defined one of those, Accept().”

  2. […] Zero Downtime upgrades of TCP servers in Go […]

  3. A few comments on your code – to be portable you shouldn’t set file descriptor flags to ^FD_CLOEXEC. Correct way of doing it is to query current flags, clear FD_CLOEXEC bit and write them back.

    However there is much easier way to achieve the same result — just clone your socket descriptor using syscall.Dup() and pass a cloned one to the children process.

    1. True! I didn’t know that about dup(2). Thanks.

  4. Just to note: Erlang has all this out of the box =)

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