Type safety saves the day again



Recently, I was writing some code to check the SHA256 of a buffer. Simple, right? All you have to do is take the hash you have, get the hash of the data, and compare them. But then you think, “oh, what a drag, I gotta compare two []byte values for equality, and == doesn’t work on them”.

And then you think, “oh, I’ll use reflection!” And now you have two problems.

package main

import (

func main() {
	in := []byte("a test string")
	hashHex := "b830543dc5d1466110538736d35c37cc61d32076a69de65c42913dfbb1961f46"
	hash1, _ := hex.DecodeString(hashHex)
	hash2 := sha256.Sum256(in)
	fmt.Println("equal?", reflect.DeepEqual(hash1, hash2))

The code on play.golang.org.

When you run that, you find out that even though the hash is most assuredly right, reflect.DeepEqual returns “false”.

If you’ve just written this as new code, in the context of some other new code that gets and parses the hash, you might not go looking at that reflect.DeepEqual until you’ve checked and rechecked everything else. And by then you’ll be really annoyed.

You, the reader of this blog, can probably tell you’re being set up by now. And you are.

The thing about the reflect package is that it is all about runtime type checking. And the thing about runtime is that it happens later, when you, the programmer, and the compiler are not available to apply your respective unique talents. So bad things can happen, and the compiler can’t save you (and it goes without saying that you can’t save yourself, because you are a fallible human).

It turns out the type of hash2 is not []byte as I lead you to think. Go read the docs and you’ll see that it’s type is [32]byte.

While you are in the docs, you might notice bytes.Compare. It is the solution to our problem. Because it uses static types instead of interface{} like the reflect package, the compiler is going to be able to help you use it correctly. And when you try to use it:

package main

import (

func main() {
	in := []byte("a test string")
	hashHex := "b830543dc5d1466110538736d35c37cc61d32076a69de65c42913dfbb1961f46"
	hash1, _ := hex.DecodeString(hashHex)
	hash2 := sha256.Sum256(in)
	fmt.Println("equal?", reflect.DeepEqual(hash1, hash2))
	fmt.Println("equal?", bytes.Compare(hash1, hash2) == 0)

The code on play.golang.org.

This gives the helpful error message cannot use hash2 (type [32]byte) as type []byte in argument to bytes.Compare. Which, at a stroke, explains why reflect.DeepEqual is screwing up: the first check it is making is “are these the same type?” And the answer is no, so hash1 and hash2 are not equal. Even though they are.

In order to turn hash2 into a []byte so that it can be the second argument to bytes.Compare, you just need to take a full slice of it, changing it to hash2[:].

The final, working, hash compare is here.


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