Category: Go

  • Protecting private keys in Go


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    Today I was looking at Upspin and thinking about private keys. I asked myself, “what would it take to make sure that there was one single copy of the private key in RAM, and that Go and the OS worked together to make sure it never went onto disk?” (Some other people have talked about…

  • Job Searching


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    I’m looking for a job that will help me reduce my commute, and get the chance to touch new fascinating things. Here’s a post from last time I was looking for a job, which shows some work samples I am proud of. If any of my readers can hook me up with interesting job postings,…

  • Goman numerals



    I made a roman numeral encoder in Go. Nifty.

  • httptrace, a new Go debugging tool



    Today I was investigating why HTTP redirects resulted in more persistent connections staying open than I was expecting. I found myself digging around deep inside net/http/transport.go and I noticed the new net/http/httptrace package. It is new in Go 1.7, which is currently in beta. net/http/httptrace is lightly documented, and because it is new, there are…

  • Interview Questions I Hope I Get


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    I have an interview coming up, and so my “keep in shape hacking time” has been recently devoted to interview preparation. I thought I would make a post about what’s in my head, both as a way to solidify it (no better way to learn something than by teaching it) and in case this interview…

  • git log ––grep “Résumé”


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    (This is an old post, which is missing years and years of interesting commits from my work at the DEDIS lab at EPFL  and Pie Aéronefs. But it is still a good representation of what I can do for future clients and future team mates.) For a while now, it’s become clear that a useful…

  • Protected: Seeking around in an HTTP object



    There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.

  • Dynamic DNS circa 2016


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    In the old days, if you had an ISP that changed your IP address all the time but you wanted to run a server, you used dynamic DNS, i.e. a hacky script talking to a hacky API on an hacky DNS provider. These days, if you bring up a cloud server from time to time…

  • The most important thing when go-fuzzing



    The most important thing to know, when you are using go-fuzz, is that the cover metric should be increasing. I didn’t know that and I wasted one 12 hour run of fuzzing because my fuzzing function was misbehaving in a way that made it return the same useless error for every input no matter what.…

  • Doing it the hard way



    In my last post I offered to point out some things in Golang Challenge #2 submissions that struck me as “worthy of receiving a (polite) rebuke in code review”, otherwise known as WTFs. This is opt-in abuse. I don’t mind abusing my colleagues, when I know I can take them out for lunch later and…